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I give you a dog who knows intuitively how to

and I teach you how to confidently handle him.

What’s your safety worth to you? Fear of criminals, child abductions, shootings, harassment, and car break-ins are rampant. Trained protection dogs give you safety and surveillance.

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Can your security system think?

It doesn’t take anything for a criminal walk into your area of the neighborhood.

Criminals go where we go: the grocery store, the gas station, down the street, and to the park. So people buy security cameras, pepper spray, and all kinds of protection devices to try to protect themselves and their families.

What if your protection could think for you...

What if it had:

  • Camera-like surveillance that knew how to watch out for any type of danger?

  • Highly tuned ears that instinctively detected threats from even the smallest noise?

  • Movement so powerful that it could patrol and neutralize almost any problem, securing you and your space?


What if your K9 protection could calmly guard the people it loves and wisely decide if situations you’re in could be risky? What if your protection could think?


And still be a fun, lovable pet!


You can have that.

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See Anchored Canine Protection Dogs in Action

Who can be a K9 handler?

You probably think you’ve got to become some fancy security guard to own a protection dog when all you really need is a liking for dogs, a commitment to learn, and a teachable spirit.

You could be a:

  1. Service member or ex-military veteran

  2. Stay-at-home mom

  3. Police officer (with a family especially)

  4. Jogger

  5. Resident of an urban area

  6. Shop-a-holic who stays out late

  7. Physician

  8. Pilot

  9. Person - anyone ;)


When you get a protection dog from me, I give you everything you need to interact with your protection K9 and succeed in K9 team training. If you put in the work to learn and implement what I’ve taught your canine, then you are qualified to own a protection canine.

Best Family Protection Dogs

The best family protection dogs are dogs that are bred and trained for protecting your family, not just any dog that will bark at a stranger.

Before I was a trainer and when my two youngest siblings were little, three reported kidnappings happened in our area within one month. My parents decided to get our Doberman named Sheba in hopes that she would deter kidnappers. They didn’t know, at the time, that we could get a trained protection dog.


It wasn’t until I went to dog training school that I learned normal people can get trained protection dogs as pets. I guess you could say, I was surprised by the idea.


The best family protection dogs are dogs that are bred and trained for protecting your family, not just any dog that will bark at a stranger.

Anyone, families included, can own a trained dog to protect themself and their loved ones. It doesn’t have to be just the police officer or body guard that own these highly intelligent canines.


So, if you could have a family friendly protection dog that will go with you wherever you go and protect your loved ones without you having to be a professional security person, would you want that?


Is a protection dog safe for families?


Yes, your dog will be trained to love and protect your family specifically. Before you even meet your protection K9, we will be asking you questions to determine the unique types of skills your protection dog will need. Because these custom skills are worked into your dog’s training from the start. Plus, if you get a protection dog from Anchored Canine, he will double as a pet and protection for you and your family. They are more than safe. They are trained for you.


Livable Protection Dogs

Livable protection dogs = dogs that can fit into your lifestyle. They are personable yet smart. They are polite yet not naive to danger.

Our dogs live the regular home life as a normal dog would do, but we don’t stop there, leaving it to luck or providence that our dogs will just “instinctively protect.” We train for some of the most feared and dangerous situations possible, so that your canine is thoroughly equipped to protect you no matter the scenario.

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Realistic K9 Protection Training

Our dogs live the regular home life as a normal dog would do, but we don’t stop there, leaving it to luck or providence that our dogs will just “instinctively protect.”

We give you confidence in a dog that is:

  1. Kid-safe
  2. Livable

  3. Born to protect

  4. Healthy, well-bred (shoulders, hips, and elbows checked against dysplasia)

  5. Instinctively aware of danger

  6. Obedient

  7. Dedicated to you

Our dogs live the regular home life as a normal dog would do, but we don’t stop there, leaving it to luck or providence that our dogs will just “instinctively protect.” We train for some of the most feared and dangerous situations possible, so that our canine is thoroughly equipped to protect you no matter the scenario.

Protection Dog vs. Pet Dog: What’s the Difference?



Protection dog pros:

  1. Trained awareness of threatening actions

  2. Trained signals for action

  3. Confident in aggressive confrontation

  4. Able to protect and be a pet

  5. Can respond appropriately to smell of fear

  6. Genetically inclined to protect


Protection dog cons:

  1. Owner must be trained - this is part of your package!

  2. Dog must be trained



Pet dog pros:

  1. Visual deterrence

  2. Bark intimidates

  3. Able to be a pet


Pet dog cons:

  1. Usually barks out of fear

  2. Nearly always backs down when threatened

3-Part Package +PLUS

You’ll have a hard time finding K9 team training anywhere else. It’s unique to Anchored Canine.

We give you:

  1. The protection dog

  2. The protection dog training

  3. The protection dog handler training (we teach you)


PLUS, a lifetime of follow up support to be sure your protection K9 stays sharp and your questions answered.


We promise to give you everything you need to form an effective team so that you and your loved ones are cared for and protected.


You are actually involved and get trained by our certified Master Dog Trainer when you buy a dog from Anchored Canine. It’s a perfect combo! You pay for the dog and his training, and we’ll teach you how to be an effective handler and owner as well. We’ll equip you and your canine to get the results you expect and more.

Companion and Safeguard

What if I give you a dog that doubles as a companion and a safeguard, aware of and able to neutralize threats, without you having to be a specialized service agent? Would you want that?


It’s got to be real to be effective, so let's get training.

Here’s what the process looks like:

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  1. Contact me. 

  2. I’ll send you a questionnaire.

  3. We’ll do a video call or in-person meeting to give you real expectations and answers to questions you might have before I ask you to invest in the deposit. I want you to be fully on-board before we start the tailored protection dog training. I also use this time to assess whether or not I think you will be a good fit for my program.

  4. From there, I’ll have you sign a Sales and Service Agreement that lists K9 training we’ve agreed to focus on, and you’ll give me a deposit.

  5. This is where the tailored training begins for your dog. The time required for protection dog training is one and a half years from start to finish, which is subject to change upon additional tailored K9 training for your unique needs.

  6. You're encouraged to join us during the training process. You get trained with your dog to create a tighter bond and get an education on how to effectively handle a protection K9.

  7. Once the dog is fluent in his skills, we’ll work with you and the dog as a team at your location for a minimum of 5 days to make sure you can maintain your K9’s training and have a good working relationship. This is where I train you. This will allow your dog to learn his environment and make sure you both work well at home. I won’t charge you extra for US travel or logging during this time unless you live in Hawaii or Alaska. Your handler training at your location is included in your family protection dog package.

  8. We’ll do a test to see if you and your dog are ready to go out on your own.

  9. If you pass, you and your dog are ready to go! If not, we’ll keep training. I want you both to be ready.

  10. After the protection training is completed and your dog is living with you, I include three free post-training sessions at your home with your protection package.

  11. I suggest getting a minimum of 2 refresher training sessions per year. Fees may apply.

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Benefits of Your Anchored Canine Protection Package

Location Flexibility: If you’re wondering “Is there protection dog training near me?” Yes! I offer K9 handler training at your location where I train you and your dog to work together after the first phase of dog’s protection training is complete.*

The perfect dog for protection: All dogs we select for training are first checked for strong shoulders, hips, and elbows.

Realistic training: This is not sporting dog training where everything is predictable. Instead, these dogs can assess situations and adapt even if they’ve never encountered them before.

Highest quality package: Because your personal protection dog is actually integrated into our family and home life before and during K9 protection training, the Anchored Canine protection package gives you more for more safety and success.

Focus on YOUR dog: I only train a few dogs at a time, so they get one-on-one attention and training. They go with me on horseback rides, they hangout with our family at meal times, they go to work with me, and they are in public with me nearly every time I go to town.

Man orientation: Your dog will be taught to go for the threatening man - not the equipment that is around him or that he may be holding.

Guard dog: While your dog will not be a guard dog that randomly attacks anyone around, he will guard and protect your family and property. Your dog will not be out to attack everything. He will be balanced and “livable”. I make this a key aspect when choosing even the breeding lines I purchase from to make sure the protection dogs I offer you can be a pet and defender.

*Additional fees apply to Hawaii and Alaska locations.

If that’s not enough, here are a few other things your dog will have practical training in:




Listening skills


Off-leash obedience

Protection in social settings

Protection for business owners (optional)

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Need more details?

Here’s what’s included in the package:​

  1. Advanced Obedience Training

  2. Protection Dog Training

  3. FREE Shipping*

  4. Handler Training at Your US Location*

  5. Post-Training Private Lessons

  6. Classified Training Videos 

  7. Life-Time Support

We all need extra security in this world...

...especially with how the world is getting constantly more perverted and violent.

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Total: $25-35,000 (additional travel fees may apply*)

K9 Protection Package


*Additional fees apply to Hawaii and Alaska locations.

"Great, competent training here! The owner has trained many dogs and several dog trainers. Highly recommend!"

- Tim

Good-Fit Guarantee

If during the dog’s training we see that he can’t reliably perform for your life circumstances, living environment, and family personality, we will swap him out with a dog of equal value for no charge to the client. This is our good-fit guarantee. We want team success and realize that every person and K9 is a unique individual. 

1. A unique personal protection dog that instinctively watches out for you and your loved ones’ safety anywhere




2. Realistic and simple dog handler training that helps you and your protection K9 confidently work as a team

Anchored Canine Gives You

My Heart for Clients' Safety

Because I’ve seen so much bad happening in the world recently, I know how great the need is to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.


I don’t want you to be a victim. That is why I want to help you get exactly the type of dog that will protect your unique living situation, whether you have a family, are single, a business owner, or have public access needs. I believe in my product! I have protection dogs for sale to help keep you well and safe.

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  • Q: Will these dogs work for my situation?
    A: Our protection dogs are bred and trained for you. A lot of people probably think that these are dog breeds that can’t be handled by regular people, but that is far from the truth. Yes, they are highly intelligent and need mental and physical stimulation, but the truth is I choose only the line of working dogs that have friendly personalities. I continue to work hard to make sure I offer you a dog that has a lineage of family livability, plus I train the handlers so that when they get their highly skilled dog, they’ll know how to interact with it.
  • Q: What if I can’t afford a protection dog?
    A: First, I understand. Protection dogs are expensive, but there’s a good reason for that. They are highly skilled animals. I want you to be able to protect yourself and your family, so I offer payment options. You don’t have to pay the full price for the Anchored Canine K9 protection program upfront. Just reach out to me and we’ll work out an arrangement. I want this to work for your protection. In addition, consider that a protection dog can be a one-time investment. According to a 2023 report, 39% of people would cut dog services, like protection dog training, when expenses get tight. I get that. Times are hard, and they’re also dangerous. So, I can give you a fully-trained protection dog that doubles as a pet and that you know how to confidently work with without having to pay for on-going training. Is that something you’re interested in? Is your protection worth it? Once you make the investment, there doesn’t have to be any additional training expense for the life of your protection canine, though I strongly advise follow-up refresher training. That being said, if you are faithful to continue using and working on the skills I teach both you and your dog, there may be no need to purchase any additional training. It can be a one-time purchase.
  • Q: What if my dog doesn’t protect my family, or worse, turns on us?
    A: According to a 2023 Forbes report, 54% of dog owners have regrets about getting a dog. But when it comes to buying a highly skilled, and let’s face it, pretty expensive protection canine, regret is the last thing you want. He needs to be just as much a fun-loving pet as a protection. Can you trust him? You’ve put too much trust, money, and time into your protection pet to have regret! I don’t ever want you to have fear. So I created your protection dog package to include extensive trial periods, in-home training, and benchmarks. I want your best. It takes the trainer, dog, and dog owner as a team to make sure we don’t have regrets or mess ups at the end of the day. Because my protection dog training program is built to anticipate and address problems before they come up, you can trust your dog with confidence in his abilities, your own handling skills, and ultimately, in your safety. You can count on your successful protection team. I promise you, if you implement the things I teach, you won’t give opportunity to your dog to miss a threat or turn on you.
  • Q: Am I good to go after the K9 protection program is finished or is there something more I need to do?
    A: After our program is finished, you and your dog will be at your prime and ready for success. If you keep the training fresh in your dog’s mind and your own, your team will continue to be skilled and work well together. But, if you don’t implement the things I teach you, eventually, your dog will fail you. The choice is up to you. Is it worth keeping up the K9 team training you’ve paid for? We advise strongly, yes. You have your protection dog. He’s trained and should know what to do, right? Yes. He does. It’s up to you to implement what we’ve trained him and taught you. And if you end up not being as sharp as you once were, just contact me. I would love to help you and your dog get back to your full protection potential. If you’re unsure if you have what it takes to be a protection pet owner, send me a quick message. I’ll help you sort through the details of maintenance on a protection dog and decide if a protection dog is the right fit for you.
  • Q: What is the difference between a pet dog and a protection dog?
    A: A pet dog vs. a protection dog is not confident in threatening situations. They bark, and they may bite if provoked, but pet canines take action out of fear and surprise versus knowledge of what to look for and how to properly handle each situation. Protection dogs not only have been bred to protect with strong joints and minds, but also have the training to give them direction for their stunning abilities. Let me give you one of the most significant examples I can think of. First, if a person appears to be unsafe, your protection dog, without you commanding him, will watch that person for any unwanted actions. So if your kids are out playing or you’re on a walk in a public place, your dog is constantly looking out for you. Here’s a little breakdown of the differences between a protection dog and a pet dog. Pet dog pros: Visual deterrence Bark intimidates Able to be a pet Pet dog cons: Usually barks out of fear Often backs down when threatened Protection dog pros: Trained awareness of threatening actions Trained signals for action Confident in aggressive confrontation Able to protect and be a pet Can respond appropriately to smell of fear Genetically inclined to protect Protection dog cons: Owner must be trained - this is part of your package! Dog must be trained
  • Q: Who qualifies to own a protection dog?
    A: You really can have both a family dog and a SKILLED, FULLY TRAINED PROTECTION K9 ready to serve you. You don’t have to be a security guard, police officer, or some highly skilled professional (though those people are welcome). All you really need is a liking for dogs, a commitment to learn, and a teachable spirit. That said, I want to emphasize that whoever owns the dog I train for you needs to be teachable. Because I am in the business of helping people be safe, I will not sell you a dog if you are not willing to learn from me how to work with a protection dog. It’s an animal that needs a good handler to make it work well. I want you to be protected, not disappointed or worse, hurt! If you’re unsure of what your responsibility looks like or if you’ll be able to learn, contact me. I’ll help you sort through skills and help you understand your responsibilities.
  • Q: The public’s perception is that all canines are vicious attack dogs. Is this true?
    A: No, this is not true. Let me give you a little known secret, nearly all pet dogs are afraid. Your average dog will seem ferocious and protective, but the truth is that they bark, growl, and attack out of fear or intimidation, if they do anything at all. On the other hand, a realistically trained protection dog will assess, watch, and take action based on instinctive AND trained skills. Their natural protective intelligence is shaped to know how to respond to situations appropriately instead of out of reaction, fear, or intimidation.
  • Q: Can I trust a protection dog with my little kids?
    Because I know there can be a lot of worry around the idea of a protection dog being around kids, I want to give you some examples of what my protection dogs do on a daily basis. A close family member, only 9 years old at the time, often spent time alone with Lance (one of my protection dogs). She played outside and slept in the same room with him many nights. In addition, Lance stayed with my sister and her baby for a week while I was gone, and did very well. Check out this video of K9 protection of a child in action! Anchored Canine protection dogs are meant for families! We train them to protect and care for kids. Yes, you can trust the Anchored Canine protection dogs around your kids.
  • Q: Can I trust a protection dog around my friends?
    Let me give you an example. When I bring my protection dog with me, he will protect my car from people who try to come in, but if people (i.e. my friends) are with me in the car, I’ve trained him to treat them like friends too. He snuggles up to them wanting pettings and acts like a big teddy bear. Anchored Canine protection dogs are trained for what you need them to do. If you go to ball games, we’ll train your dog to know how to appropriately act in that situation whether you bring friends or meet them at the game. You’ll have signals you can give your protection dog to let them know a person is a friend and they should be at ease with them. You’ll also have a signal to have your dog watch someone you are uncomfortable around.

Safety you can count on!

With the crazy state of the world that seems to be increasing daily in crime and danger, I want you to be safe and confident. Because Anchored Canine trains your protection dogs with the ability to be both a fearless protector and loveable pet, you can have confidence in your safety and enjoy living with your highly skilled K9.


Get ready for a security system that can think, protect, and be a companion all in one - perfect for families!

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